Fred Walker: Blog en-us (C) Fred Walker (Fred Walker) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:20:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:20:00 GMT Fred Walker: Blog 120 77 Riding the Orange Crush  


Farragut West Metro





There is no conversation on Metro in the early morning hours.  Riders like me train themselves to wake up just prior to their stop.  


In the afternoon, the muffled sound of percussion from the omni present iPods and other music devices pervade the rail car. 



Taking Off




Orange line riders are readers.  They like the Kindle, the iPAD, books and newspapers.  They like to do their email on the train.  They do not like that cell phone service is poor underground.


The smell of an electrical fire is a fairly common experience.  The sign of flames coming up from under the car is not. Don’t wait the the driver to tells you what to do.  Get off as soon as possible.  Chances are he/she will never notice.


The Metro is not a place for pick ups even though it is probably the highest density of young and single anywhere in the world.. 


The accommodations of the Metro are too limited for young love.  It is best to practice restraint until one gets off the train.


Farragut West Metro




No one can understand what is being said over the loud speaker and no one except tourists try to figure it out.


Be happy if the train gets you to where you want to go, even if the air conditioning and/or heat is not working.


Also, don’t expect the escalator to be working, regular riders do not.


In time, you can see most anything on the Metro.  Recently a young man brought an office chair onto the train.

(Fred Walker) Sun, 18 Mar 2012 21:36:51 GMT
Searching for the Lost and Found, part 2

E Pluribus Unum.  From Many One.

This is the theme of the video you will see if you take the Capitol tour.  I was wondering if any of the members had seen it.  You might need a reservation to get on the tour.  Won't hurt to try to go without one, especially in the afternoon if there are not a lot of school groups in line.

Before going inside wanter around down the hill on the western side. One of the more amazing statues in Washington is just across the street.

Statue at US Capitol This depicts a Civil War scene.


If you take the tour you will see the old meeting room.  This is part of the ceiling. You will also see the Capitol dome. 


Inside Capitol Rotunda

To see one of the more visually interesting buildings, go across the street to the Library of Congress (there is a tunnel from the Capitol). 

Library of Congress

(Fred Walker) Capitol District of Columbia Washington Sat, 25 Feb 2012 22:03:25 GMT
Searching for the Lost and Found Farragut West Metro Morning in Washington DC means getting a ride on the Metro.

Regular Metro riders are somewhat particular people.  On the Orange line people like to read, sleep and listen to their music.  Sleeping is most popular in the morning. Everyone has a special way to make sure they awake for their stop.  In the evening reading is the main activity. At any time, talking should be limited and unheard.  Since the phones don't work well underground, this is not much of a problem.

Regular riders do not try to figure out what the driver is saying on the public address system.  This is only for tourists.  Regular riders have their special spots on the train that will land them near the station stairways.  Regular riders know how to use the escalators, at least when they are working.  Regular riders know that even though the Metro has the highest concentration of single people in the world, the Metro is not a pick-up location.

Once in a while the Metro breaks down. This will somewhat delay your commute. It mostly only happens if you are in a hurry.  I was on a car once that caught fire.  if it happens to you, try to get off at the next stop, the driver might not notice the problem.

Welcome to the Metro.




Lincoln Memorial

The best time to visit the Lincoln Memorial is at dawn.  This is about the only time of day when there are not vast numbers of tourists and it is possible to experience the memorial as it is intended; with peace and reverence.  Runners like to climb the steps after running along the National Mall.  Some days you will see soldiers with full packs using the base of the LIncoln statue as a way point.    Standing in front of the statue is a clear view of the Washington Monument and the reflecting pond.  


As you wait for sunrise, it is possible to reflect on all of the historic events that have taken place. Countless demonstrations. The Martin Luther King speech will immediately come to mind.  Perhaps you will remember the days that Nixon talked to anti-war demonstrators, or some other demonstration held at this spot.

As the sunrises it will bring light to the statue.  Now it is time to move on as the tourists will not be far behind.

(Fred Walker) Metro Washington life morning Fri, 24 Feb 2012 23:04:35 GMT